Tag Archives: Art

Friday Art & Etc.

So I have made a little triad of angels. Here they are.angel1 I am trying to fidget around with how I lay them out in the post, and can’t quite figure out how to line them up straight, so they are a little wonkedy.


So finally, I posted some art! How’s that for a Friday?

In other news:

Over the past two weeks I have watched a bunch of movies, read a lot of monstrous threads over at Shapely Prose, and done a bunch of other stuff. I really don’t know how people can post these incredibly detailed accounts of what goes on in their lives, and their analysis of these events, and still have time to have the lives they describe. It’s just so hard for me to even get a minute alone with the computer, much less plan out and articulate the things I’m thinking. I will, however, keep trying.

Expect at least one movie review this weekend. 😀

Tell me if you like my art, also. I will be adding contact information soon, so that folks can email me if they are curious about the art, or about buying the art 😉

Hope everyone has had a good week.

A Little Something Up My Sleeve…

I have been working on a couple of series-ish things in the art realm. One series is with plaques, the other without. I should be sharing them in the next week or so.

Other than that, the steel-clamp-down on any sort of extraneous “surfing” has been put in place at my job and so it’s been very difficult to find time to muse here. I tend to be very “off the cuff” when I write anything. But there are a few ideas budding in this here head of mine.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m doing too much with this here blog and that puts me off from it; like I don’t know where to start. :: shrugs :: A friend of mine reminded me whilst at my heathen-church that I shouldn’t worry off the bat about the links or the looks, etc., but instead focus on the content.

So to wrap up: coming this week are artsy “groupings” and also some thoughts on revolutionary acts, terrible mainstream movies, and IDK, maybe some thoughts on artificially-derived self-esteem. How’s that sound?

It’s almost Friday! Whoopie!

Blargh Tuesday



Today has meant work training (read: snore) running around, and long talks. I accidentally waxed off half my left eyebrow. Jeez.

So I sketched/doodled-up this thing. It’s from my sketch/illustration journal thingie.

I will be posting more of my art here in the next couple weeks. I am just right now trying to figure out the best way to do that; should I make a page for art like a gallery or somethin’? Hmm.

I have some outrages as well that I’d like to post on, but haven’t the energy at the moment. Tomorrow evening? We’ll see. Goodnight, everybody.